Resource Page
One of the oldest and best sources for
information about strawbale building in
the United States and probably the world!
Out on Bale, (un)Ltd
1037 E. Linden Street
Tucson, AZ 85719
Write to them and subscribe to their quarterly
newsletter (become a member) at this new address:
"The Last Straw".
PO Box 22706
Lincoln, Nebraska 68542-2706
Telephone 402.483.5135; fax 402.483.5161
This is a good publication with many good
articles and resources. Cost for 4 issues
(one year membership) is $28 in the U.S.
Get the publication and read it.
Back issues are $8 each + shipping.
(Less if you order more than one.)
 | Step Two |
Buy the newly updated book
co-authored by Matts Myhrman/Stephen
MacDonald, "Build it with Bales,
2nd Edition". This is an excellent primer
on strawbale techniques and worth the
price many times over.($30 + $7 S&H)
Do not skip this one, it will save you
hundreds of hours and many dollars.
ISBN 0-9642821-1-9
Contact Out On Bale By Mail
to order your copy of this invaluable
book and resource. They have done
a fabulous job in creating this
step-by-step guide.
Order Form Online
Click on "Books & Videos"
Another Great Book: "The Straw Bale House"
by Atheena and Bill Steen and David Eisenberg
Also available from the above online order form.
BUY these books and read them - it's the best way to
learn about strawbale building before you attend
a workshop. These books will answer many of your
questions, so when you attend a workshop you'll
know the basics and can learn even more recent
developments and techniques.
ISBN 0-930031-71-7
**NOTE** You can also get these books
at your local library - Jefferson County, WA
has it - maybe your library too! Also available
at Barnes & Noble and other bookstores.
 | Step Three |
Buy a video, we especially liked
the "A Straw-Bale Home Tour" because
it showed what is possible from one
extreme to the other in building. Shows
ten homes, $30. Contact Out On Bale by Mail
There is a niche for everyone with this stuff.
Technical Resources and Links
Ecological Building Network
11 Mark Drive
San Rafael, CA 94903
Bruce King's website with all kinds of great information
about sustainable building and the latest strawbale testing reports.
EBNet Web site
DCAT- Development Center for Appropriate Technology
P.O. Box 41144 Tucson, Arizona 85717 USA
DCAT Web site
Joseph McCabe Thesis
Thermal Resistivity of Straw Bales for Construction
McCabe Thesis